Monday, September 16, 2024
Spread Limit
A specified minimum and maximum wagering amount that allows players to make any wager equal to either the minimum or maximum or any amount between the minimum and maximum; as opposed to a structured limit.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Using a spread limit with a $10-$20 game, any bet raise or reraise must fall between $10 and $20 during every point in the game.
EXAMPLE: "The spread limit was $10-$20."
APPLIES TO: Online and Land-based Venues
That is played with specified minimum and maximum wagering amounts such that a player may wager either nothing or any amount between the specified minimum and maximum, rather than requiring wagers to be exactly the amount of the minimum or maximum; as opposed to structured limit.
EXAMPLE: "I play spread limit Hold'em a lot, but I prefer no limit games."
APPLIES TO: Online and Land-based Venues
USAGE: Describes a game.