Poker Dictionary
Monday, February 10, 2025
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"S" Terms


Alternate Term: Speeding

SpeedAlternate Term: , Speeder


    1. Verb

      To play loosely and aggressively, especially when bluffing.

      EXAMPLE: "I was speeding with nothing but a pair of fours."

      APPLIES TO: Online and Land-based Venues

      SYNONYMS: Splash Around

    2. Noun

      A measure of a player's looseness and aggression in making bets, raises, and reraises.

      EXAMPLE: "Even though I try to mix up how much speed I play with from hand to hand, I still end up being more predictable than I'd like to be."

      APPLIES TO: Online and Land-based Venues

    3. Noun

      The pace of the game; the amount of time players take to act.

      EXAMPLE: "You're taking forever to make your decision. You need to speed up."

      APPLIES TO: Online and Land-based Venues

    4. Verb

      To act out of turn.

      EXAMPLE: "I though the player before me was done, so I made my raise. It turns out I was speeding."

      APPLIES TO: Online and Land-based Venues

    1. Noun

      A player who is loose and aggressive; a player who often makes large bets, raises, and reraises.

      EXAMPLE: "There were three speeders at the table, so I played tighter than usual because I knew staying in a hand would cost a lot by the time it got to the showdown."

      APPLIES TO: Online and Land-based Venues

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