Saturday, January 18, 2025
Side Bet
A wager made beyond the normal rules of the game; proposition bet.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Some cardrooms offer specific side bets and it is common for cardrooms to forbid side bets that are not arranged by the house itself. Side bets can involve any topic, such as a bet on a sports game occurring at the same time as the poker game or a bet on a piece of trivia that players are arguing over. However, usage is traditionally confined to bets that in some way involve occurrences in the poker game.
EXAMPLE: "I lost the hand, but ended up breaking even because I won a side bet."
APPLIES TO: Online and Land-based Venues
Side pot; a separate pot to which a certain player or multiple players did not contribute and that they are not eligible to win, as occurs when a player goes all-in and other players continue to wager more than the all-in player; as opposed to main pot. Uncommon usage.
EXAMPLE: "I went all-in and, when another player raised after that, a side bet was made.
APPLIES TO: Online and Land-based Venues