Poker Dictionary
Saturday, January 18, 2025
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  1. Noun

    A card that did not have an impact on the outcome of a particular hand or that is expected to have no impact on the outcome of a hand in progress, especially in reference to a face-up card dealt to a particular player rather than a community card.

    EXAMPLE: "The flop was 7s-8s-Qd. The turn was a brick, and then a third spade hit on the river."

    APPLIES TO: Online and Land-based Venues

    ANTONYMS: Scare Card

    RELATED TERMS: Hit, Improve, Miss

  2. Noun

    A card that appears to help a player but that actually duplicate the value of another card the player holds.

    EXAMPLE: "The turn was a brick."

    APPLIES TO: Online and Land-based Venues

    GAME CATEGORY: Shared Card Games

    SYNONYMS: Duplicate

  3. Verb

    To reveal a card that appears to help a player but actually duplicates the value of another card that player holds.

    ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: This applies only in games in which players must use a specified number of cards from their hand and a specific number from the board, such as Omaha, and only when the duplicate card revealed does not improve the player's hand.

    EXAMPLE: "I had the lock low but got bricked on the rvier."

    APPLIES TO: Online and Land-based Venues

    GAME CATEGORY: Shared Card Games

    SYNONYMS: Duplicate

    RELATED TERMS: Hit, Miss

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