Thursday, January 16, 2025
Bet the Pot
To make a raise or reraise equal to the amount of money or chips in the pot, including any amount of money that would be required to call as though that amount were already in the pot.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: When reraising by betting the pot, the amount required to call the initial raise is contributed to the pot before determining how large the pot is. In order to avoid a string bet, players should announce their intention to bet the pot before making the initial call. Example: There is $20 in the pot. Player A raises $4. Player B reraises by betting the pot. This means Player B contributes $4 to the pot to match the initial raise, then contributes an additional $28 for the reraise. The $28 is from $20 initially in the pot, $4 from Player A raising, and $4 from Player B's call.
EXAMPLE: "We were playing pot limit Hold'em. I had the nuts and decided not to slowplay my hand, so I bet the pot."
APPLIES TO: Online and Land-based Venues