A hand with no pair, no straight, and no flush in which Ace is the highest card and 9 is the lowest card; any one of the hands A-K-Q-J-9, A-K-Q-10-9, A-K-J-10-9, A-Q-J-10-9 without a flush; in a Cats and Dogs game, the hand ranking immediately below a Little Cat and immediately above a Little Dog.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: If multiple players have a Big Dog, the winner is the Big Dog that uses the higher cards. Example: A-K-Q-J-9 wins against A-Q-J-10-9 because the King in the first hand is the highest card that the two hands do not share.

EXAMPLE: "I was drawing for an Ace-high straight and ended up making a big dog instead. It would've been a great hand except that we weren't playing Cats and Dogs.
APPLIES TO: Online and Land-based Venues