Poker Dictionary
Monday, February 10, 2025
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  1. Verb

    To fold; to relinquish one's stake in the pot.

    EXAMPLE: "It would have cost me $10 to stay in the pot and my hand was pretty bad, so I dropped."

    APPLIES TO: Online and Land-based Venues

  2. Verb

    In online play, to lose one's connection to the cardroom software or to the internet.

    ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Some online cardrooms fold any player whose connection drops, while other cardrooms offer disconnect protection.

    EXAMPLE: "I had a bad connection, and it dropped a few times that when I had great hands."

    APPLIES TO: Online Venues

  3. Verb

    To lose a specified amount of money or chips.

    EXAMPLE: "I dropped $20 last night."

    APPLIES TO: Online and Land-based Venues

  4. Noun

    Collection drop; compensation paid to the casino or cardroom for hosting a game; the rake, time collection, dead collection blind, or any other fee charged for organizing a game.

    EXAMPLE: "I was playing at about the same level as my opponents and would have broken, but with the drop and tips to the dealer factored in I was down a little."

    APPLIES TO: Online and Land-based Venues

  5. Noun

    Jackpot drop; a special fee set aside for a jackpot offered at a specific table or cardroom.

    EXAMPLE: "Even though there is a chance of winning a lot and some of the other players change their strategy and end up holding weaker hands, I avoid tables with a bad beat jackpot because the drop can really add up."

    APPLIES TO: Online and Land-based Venues

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