To share the same suit or number value with a card in a given player's hand and falsely appear to improve the strength of a given player's hand.
EXAMPLE: "The Jack that came up on the river counterfeited my straight."
APPLIES TO: Online and Land-based Venues
GAME CATEGORY: Shared Card Games
SYNONYMS: Brick, Duplicate
RELATED TERMS: Crack, Hit, Lock, Miss
That appears to improve the strength of an opponent's hand, but that does not improve the hand because it is of the same suit or number value of one of that opponent's pocket cards.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Example: Player A has Jh-10h in the pocket. The flop is 7c-8d-9s. If a 10 or Jack came up on the turn or river, it would be counterfeit. It increases the likelihood that an opponent will expect Player A to have a straight, but it does not actually improve the hand at all.
EXAMPLE: "I had Qs-Js in the pocket and made a King-high straight when the flop came up Kc-10d-9h. Unfortunately, the turn the was a counterfeit Jack, so it was easier for my opponents to put me on the straight and it was possible that an opponent with Ace-Queen in the pocket made a higher straight."
APPLIES TO: Online and Land-based Venues
GAME CATEGORY: Shared Card Games
USAGE: Describes a community card.
SYNONYMS: Brick, Counterfeit