Thursday, January 16, 2025
Card Odds
The probability that a particular card or hand will be dealt in a given circumstance.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Example: Player A has Ac-7c in the pocket. The board is now 2c-10h-4d-Qc. There appear to be 9 clubs remaining in the deck (13 total minus both the 2 on the board and the 2 in hand), although it is possible one or more clubs are in opponents' hands. The player has seen their own 2 pocket cards and the 4 community cards, so there are 46 cards that Player A has not seen. If Player A does not know any other players' cards, then the card odds could be calculated at 9/46 or 19.6%. A bystander who knows what is actually held can calculate the actual card odds, but Player A's calculation is based on incomplete information.
EXAMPLE: "The card odds for me to complete the flush on the river were only about 1 in 5 and my opponent made a small raise. Since the pot odds were better than 5 to 1, I decided to call even though it was unlikely that I would win the hand. I lost the pot, but in the long run it was the right decision."
APPLIES TO: Online and Land-based Venues