Thursday, January 16, 2025
To act in such a way as to convince an opponent that one has a weak hand.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: This is done when a player believes an opponent would not call a bet or raise, but might make a bet or raise later in the hand if that player is led to believe the competition holds a weak hand. In such cases, betting out would win the pot immediately but would not win any more than is already in it. However, if the player traps, the opponent might bet and thus increase the amount to be won.
EXAMPLE: "I usually don't trap with top pair or an overpair. There is too much of a chance to be outdrawn."
APPLIES TO: Online and Land-based Venues
SYNONYMS: Sandbag, Slowplay
RELATED TERMS: Check-Raise, Outdraw, Put On, Represent, Slippery Sandbag
The situation in which a player is attempting to represent weakness in an effort to entice an opponent to bet more aggressively.
EXAMPLE: "I laid a successful trap for my opponent and got a little more money out of the hand than I otherwise would have gotten."
APPLIES TO: Online and Land-based Venues
RELATED TERMS: Put On, Represent, Slowplay