Thursday, January 16, 2025
Time Bank
A reserve pool of additional decision-making time that a player may use in a tournament.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Most tournaments limit the length of time that players may use to take their actions. These limits vary significantly, from a few seconds in turbo tournaments to several minutes in other tournaments. Some tournaments also include a time bank. While time limits reset at each action, the time bank is typically a fixed amount of time that is not restored after it is used.
EXAMPLE: "I had a reasonably strong hand and there were a lot of chips in the pot. I bet. My opponent hesitated for a moment and then went all-in. If I called, my tournament life would have been on the line, so it was a tough decision. I ended up thinking about it for a while and used part of my time bank. I ended up making the call and I won the hand."
APPLIES TO: Online and Land-based Venues
RELATED TERMS: Fast, Slow, Tournament
The total amount of time remaining that a player may use to extend decisions.
EXAMPLE: "The time bank was 90 seconds, but I'd already used about half of that."
APPLIES TO: Online and Land-based Venues