Involving large or frequent increases in the amount of money wagered.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Playing fast is typically done as a bluff or to avoid the potential for an opponent to outdraw a strong hand. When used to describe a particular play rather than play in general, the term often implies that the betting and raising occurred early in the hand.
EXAMPLE: "I used to play loose and fast, but that ended up costing me a lot. I've gotten tighter in my hand selection, but I still play pretty aggressively when I'm in a pot."
APPLIES TO: Online and Land-based Venues
USAGE: Describes game play.
SYNONYMS: Aggressive
ANTONYMS: Passive, Slow, Weak
RELATED TERMS: Caught Speeding, Loose, Outdraw, Slowplay, Speed, Tight
That occurs quickly; that has an accelerated pace or a shortened time limit.
EXAMPLE: "I like playing in fast games. I tend to get bored when I don't get to see a lot of hands, and that boredom it makes it more tempting to play weak or marginal hands."
APPLIES TO: Online and Land-based Venues
USAGE: Describes an action, table, game, or player.