Saturday, January 18, 2025
A tournament format in which the loss of all of one's chips permanently eliminates a player from the tournament; a tournament format that does not offer players the opportunity to re-enter once eliminated.
EXAMPLE: "I prefer freezeouts to tournaments with a re-buy. People play pretty recklessly early on if they know they can re-buy, and I have a hard time adjusting to that style of play."
APPLIES TO: Online and Land-based Venues
ANTONYMS: Add on, Re-buy
RELATED TERMS: Buy-in, Re-buy Period, Tournament
A tournament in which only the first-place finisher receives a prize.
EXAMPLE: "I prefer tournaments with a more widely distributed payout structure much more than freezeouts. I'm not that great at heads-up play, so even if I do well to start with I still have a good chance of ending up with nothing."
APPLIES TO: Online and Land-based Venues