Saturday, January 18, 2025
In a tournament, to pay an additional entry fee and begin again or to purchase additional chips after falling below a certain amount of chips; to utilize a tournament's re-buy option.
EXAMPLE: "I took a bad beat after going all-in early in the tournament. I decided to re-buy, and ended up placing in the money."
APPLIES TO: Online and Land-based Venues
The option to purchase additional chips or to pay an additional entry fee and begin again within a fixed period near the start of a tournament.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Only permitted in certain tournaments and typically limited to a certain number of purchases. Requires that the player meet certain qualifying conditions, such as having lost all of one's chips or having lost a specific portion of one's chips.
EXAMPLE: "The tournament coming up next week has unlimited re-buys in the first ninety minutes. Hopefully I won't need to take advantage of that."
APPLIES TO: Online and Land-based Venues