Monday, September 16, 2024
A player's location in the sequence of actions. Typically in relation to the dealer, who acts last, but sometimes applied in relation to the blinds or to another particular player. Position is based on features of game play, such as how the button is passed from one player to another, rather than physical location at the table.
EXAMPLE: "I am in the fourth position, and none of the three players who went before me raised."
APPLIES TO: Online and Land-based Venues
RELATED TERMS: Age, Eldest Hand, Youngest Hand
A seat that acts after a particular player or particular set of players.
EXAMPLE: "I act fourth out of the ten players, but I have position on the most aggressive two players."
APPLIES TO: Online and Land-based Venues
A seat in late position.
EXAMPLE: When used without specifying particular players, "I have position" would mean "I am in late position."
APPLIES TO: Online and Land-based Venues