An element of poor play or bad strategy that consistently reduces a player's winnings or increases the player's loses.
EXAMPLE: "I fold more often than I should when someone tries to steal my blinds, but I'm trying to fix this leak in my game."
APPLIES TO: Online and Land-based Venues
RELATED TERMS: Fish, Live One, Read
To expose one's cards, either intentionally or unintentionally; to reveal information about one's hand.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Some players will purposely leak one of their cards, but try to make it look unintentional, as a means to convince an opponent to act in a certain way. For instance, the player might subtly show a card that is paired with the board when representing trips, or might show a card that does not help the hand to convince the opponent that the player is bluffing. It is proper etiquette to inform a player of a leak after the hand is over if it occurs once, but generally accepted to take advantage of the leak if it occurs after a warning has been provided.
EXAMPLE: "There were three cards to a diamond flush on the board, and the opponent to my right leaked a diamond. I couldn't tell the number on it, but could tell it wasn't a face card and was probably a fairly high numbered card. Nonetheless, I wasn't sure if my opponent did it by mistake or was trying to convince me of something, either representing a flush with the other card actually not a diamond at all, or representing a low flush with the other card being a higher diamond. I called the opponent's raise and it turned out the other card was the King of diamonds. I lost the hand."
APPLIES TO: Land-based Venues
RELATED TERMS: Blur Intensity, Put On, Read, Represent, Reverse Tell