Monday, February 10, 2025
Alternate Term: Limper
To call the minimum amount required in the first round of betting in order to establish or maintain a stake in the pot; to call the blind or the bring in without raising.
EXAMPLE: "I didn't have a very strong hand but thought it would be worthwhile to see a flop, so I limped."
APPLIES TO: Online and Land-based Venues
SYNONYMS: Flat Call, Limp In
Limper Noun
A player who makes the minimum required wager in order to maintain a stake in the pot in the first round of betting.
EXAMPLE: "I was on the button with pocket Queens. There were 5 limpers ahead of me, and I was afraid of being outdrawn, so I made a sizable raise. Four of the limpers folded and the other called."
APPLIES TO: Online and Land-based Venues
RELATED TERMS: Flat Call, Limp In, Raise, Weak