Monday, February 10, 2025
A single round of game play; the period beginning when cards are dealt and ending with the showdown.
EXAMPLE: "Deal me in next hand."
APPLIES TO: Online and Land-based Venues
The ranked combination of five cards that a player uses to compete for the pot; a player's best five cards.
EXAMPLE: "My hand was 10h-10d-10c-Qc-Qs. I had a full house."
APPLIES TO: Online and Land-based Venues
In community card games, the cards belonging to a particular player; pocket.
EXAMPLE: "I had a pair of aces in my hand before the flop, so I raised."
APPLIES TO: Online and Land-based Venues
GAME CATEGORY: Shared Card Games
A combination of cards that a player believes has a strong chance of winning in a given round of play.
EXAMPLE: "I was dealt 7-2 offsuit and knew that I didn't have much chance of making a hand, so I folded."
APPLIES TO: Online and Land-based Venues