Saturday, February 15, 2025
A hole card of higher rank than any card on the board.
EXAMPLE: "We were playing Texas Hold'em. I had Ah-Kh in the pocket and the flop was 8d-Qs-6c. Even though I didn't even make a pair on the flop, I decided to call a small raise since the pot was a decent size and I had two overcards."
APPLIES TO: Online and Land-based Venues
In community card games, a community card of higher rank than a player's pocket cards or higher than a pair a player holds.
EXAMPLE: "I had Jd-10d. The flop was Ks-10c-5h. I decided not to raise despite making a pair of 10s on the flop because I was afraid one of my opponents had made a pair with the overcard. There's no use putting money in pot when my only hope is to outdraw a pair of Kings."
APPLIES TO: Online and Land-based Venues
GAME CATEGORY: Shared Card Games