Wednesday, January 15, 2025
To match all previous bets without raising; when a bet is required in order to maintain eligibility to win the pot, to make the minimum required bet.
EXAMPLE: "I raised, an opponent called, and two more opponents overcalled."
APPLIES TO: Online and Land-based Venues
A call made after an opponent in earlier position has also called.
EXAMPLE: "I would have called the raise if everyone else in front of me folded, but I didn't think my hand was strong enough for an overcall. The additional opponent still in the pot for the showdown reduced my chance of winning by too much."
APPLIES TO: Online and Land-based Venues
In a declare game, to verbally declare a hand of higher rank than is actually held.
EXAMPLE: "I accidentally overcalled my hand and was disqualified from any chance to win the pot. Luckily, I would have lost the hand anyway so my mistake didn't cost me any chips."
APPLIES TO: Land-based Venues