Thursday, January 16, 2025
The minimum hand value required to place the first wager in the first round.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: In many games, there is no such minimum requirement.
EXAMPLE: Player A: "What are the openers?" Player B: "A pair of Jacks."
APPLIES TO: Online and Land-based Venues
Any hand that meets or exceeds the minimum requirement to place the first wager in the first round.
EXAMPLE: "We were playing Jacks or Better, and three of us had openers."
APPLIES TO: Online and Land-based Venues
The actual cards used to meet the minimum opening requirement.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: If there is a minimum hand value required to open, the player who does so is typically required to show the openers. Folding does not exempt a player from this rule, although the player would then only be required to show the specific cards used as openers and not the additional cards in one's hand as would otherwise be required in a showdown.
EXAMPLE: "What were your openers?"
APPLIES TO: Online and Land-based Venues
A hand with exactly the minimum value required to open.
EXAMPLE: "I lost on the showdown. I only had openers."
APPLIES TO: Online and Land-based Venues