Poker Dictionary
Monday, September 9, 2024
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  1. Verb

    To reveal information that a player is not required to reveal, or put oneself in a position to be required to reveal information, with the purpose of creating a misleading table image.

    ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Because memories of the first instances of an event are much stronger than other memories, table image can be manipulated by advertising done early in a game. Example: A player may see the showdown while bluffing rather than folding before the showdown if reraised. This would require that the player show the hand, helping to create the image of a bluffer. This image would be helpful later in the game for a player who is actually playing tightly and might otherwise have difficulty getting opponents to call. Similarly, a player may show a strong hand that was folded in order to create the image of a rock. This would be helpful in causing other players to fold when one bluffs latter in the session.

    EXAMPLE: "I don't like to advertise in online play. People switch tables so often that the image you are paying to create doesn't last long enough to really pay off."

    APPLIES TO: Online and Land-based Venues

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