Poker Rules
Monday, September 9, 2024


  1. The following circumstances cause a misdeal, provided attention is called to the error before two players have acted on their hands. (If two players have acted in turn, the deal must be played to conclusion, as explained in rule #2)

    1. The first or second card of the hand has been dealt faceup or exposed through dealer error.

    2. Two or more cards have been exposed by the dealer.

    3. Two or more boxed cards (improperly faced cards) are found.

    4. Two or more extra cards have been dealt in the starting hands of a game.

    5. An incorrect number of cards has been dealt to a player, except the top card may be dealt if it goes to the player in proper sequence.

    6. Any card has been dealt out of the proper sequence (except an exposed card may be replaced by the burncard).

    7. The button was out of position.

    8. The first card was dealt to the wrong position.

    9. Cards have been dealt to an empty seat or a player not entitled to a hand.

    10. A player has been dealt out who is entitled to a hand. This player must be present at the table or have posted a blind or ante.

  2. Once action begins, a misdeal cannot be called. The deal will be played, and no money will be returned to any player whose hand is fouled. In button games, action is considered to occur when two players after the blinds have acted on their hands. In stud games, action is considered to occur when two players after the forced bet have acted on their hands.

The above rules are provided by "Robert's Rules of Poker" which is authored by Robert Ciaffone, better
known in the poker world as Bob Ciaffone, a leading authority on cardroom rules. He has done
extensive work on rules for the Las Vegas Hilton, The Mirage, and Hollywood Park Casino, and
assisted many other cardrooms.
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