Network Advertisers and Third-Party Ad Servers
Monday, February 10, 2025
Casino City sends to your web browser most of the advertisements you see when you use the Casino City network of web sites. However, we also allow other companies, called third-party ad servers or ad networks, to serve advertisements within our web pages.

Because your web browser must request these advertising banners from the ad network web site, these companies can send their own cookies to your cookie file, just as if you had requested a web page from the site.

Please note that if an advertiser asks Casino City to show an advertisement to a certain audience (for example, men ages 21-34) and you respond to that ad, the advertiser or ad-server may conclude that you fit the description of the audience they are trying to reach.

Opting Out of Third-Party Ad Servers

If you want to prevent a third-party ad server from sending and reading cookies on your computer, currently you must visit each ad network's web site individually and opt out (if they offer this capability).

Currently, Casino City has relationships with the following third-party ad networks:
Atlas DMT, a division of Avenue A, Inc.

PokerZone is owned by Casino City, an independent directory and information service not affiliated with any casino. Warning: You must ensure you meet all age and other regulatory requirements before entering a casino or placing a wager. There are hundreds of jurisdictions in the world with Internet access and hundreds of different games and gambling opportunities available on the Internet. Do not assume that Internet gaming sites are in compliance with the rules and regulations of every jurisdiction from which they accept players. YOU are responsible for determining if it is legal for YOU to play any particular game or place any particular wager under the laws of the jurisdiction where you are located.